Click to install or allow Flash Player

You need Flash Player installed and JavaScript enabled in your browser to play this version of 3rd World Farmer, the serious simulation. Not all browsers support Flash Player, and some require your permission for Flash Player to run. After the End of Flash (Jan 2021) it might not be possible to enable Flash content at all, depending on your operating system, browser and device type. You can always play the Flash-free version of the game here:

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3rd World Farmer - Flash version

- A thought-provoking simulation

The above version of 3rd World Farmer is released Nov. 2019 for a public usertest, but has since been replaced by the current HTML5-based version of the game on the front page. The Flash-version will be kept online here for those interested, at least a while after the end of flash (Jan 2021).

Update: As of September 2024, the flash version of 3rd World Farmer on this page is able to run again, thanks to Ruffle.js, the Adobe Flash Player Emulator :)

Changes in this version (v.1.7.500):

  • Turkish translation included. Thanks to Murat Dursun and Sarin Taşhan!
  • Game balance adjustments.

Changelog (earlier versions):

Version 1.7.200, Sep 2018

  • Chinese translation included. Thanks to Shirley Chu, David Rentai Choi, and the team at U77 for this!
  • New game events including Cattle Herding, Bird Trapping, Collecting Firewood and more.
  • Slightly adjusted balancing, especially with regards to bride gifts and annual yield per crop/livestock.
  • Removed ads from the game completely.
  • Many small interface changes, regarding window frames, button sizes, and fonts.
  • High scores submission should work again - and text related to high score submission is now multi-lingual.
  • Thanks also to Jaume Carrascosa, Thiago Gabetto and Yasmine Kasbi for updating the Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, and French translations respectively.

Known issues

  • Italian, Czech and German translations of new event strings need review.
  • Possible issues with device fonts vs. embedded fonts on some systems.

Get it on Google Play

3rd World Farmer is now available for android on Google Play.

Get it on Google Play