Managing Education
Each family member in 3rd World Farmer has an education level, which is diplayed when you click on them.

Clicking on the ‘Go To School’-button on the menu will bring up a prompt which describes the effects of sending that family member to school.

The school attendance fee and the impact on workload capacity depends on whether the player has already constructed a School building. In that case, the prompt will look like this instead.

It’s both cheaper and less time consuming to attend a local school.
Effects of Education
There are negative short-term effects from sending family members to school: the school fee and less farmwork efficiency that year. But there are also multiple benefits from the increased educational level in the long term.
First of all, the maximum workload capacity increases slightly (3-4%) for each year of education. This reflects how literacy and math can improve planning and decision making on the farm.
Next, a family member’s education level also plays a role in determining the bride price or dowry when they marry. A higher education results in a larger amount. Furthermore, the new spouse will have a similar level of education, plus or minus a few years.
Finally, if the player clicks the ‘Leave Farm’-button for the family member, the advance payment on any job offer they then receive will depend on how well-educated they are. However, their age and health at the time of leaving are also factors in this.