Event Description
Depositing Chemical Waste
A Western chemical company is offering farmers in the region a special deal. They will pay you money for leasing of a few acres, where they can store some of their harmless barrels.
They will pay you: $75
Do you accept the deal?

In-game Effects
If the deal is accepted, the player will receive the $75 and the barrels will appear with a graphics element on the player’s farm.

There’s a considerable risk that the barrels are not completely harmless and that one farm family member dies from exposure during the year. This is determined by a random check at the end of the season. If a family member dies, a note about it appears on the annual report.
The barrels always disappear again after one year.
External Links
“The Catastrophic Impacts of Pesticides in Developing Countries,” AgriLinks, 2017:
“Synthetic Pesticides in Africa: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,” AgriLinks, 2019:
“How Lead Poisoning Is Devastating Countries Around the World,” TIME, 2016:
“Nigeria: ‘World oil pollution capital’,” BBC News, 2010:
“Africa rejects Europe’s ‘dirty diesel’,” DW.com, 2017: